STMS app is updated (1.9.1)
#à°®ుంà°¦ుà°—ా old app à°¨ు uninstall à°šేà°¸ి Latest version (1.9.1) à°¨ు install à°šేà°¸ుà°•ోà°µాà°²ి.
#à°ˆ app à°²ో Login అవగాà°¨ే...
1. Material
2. Labour
3. PC Expenses
à°µీà°Ÿిà°²ో à°¦ేà°¨ిà°¨ి à°“à°ªెà°¨్ à°šేà°¸ిà°¨ా ఈక్à°°ింà°¦ి à°µిà°§ంà°—ా à°•à°¨ిà°ªిà°¸్à°¤ాà°¯ి.
#Please Selection from list of work
1. Travel
2. Watchmen and ward
3. Wages to PC Shopping
4. Others
#à°ªై à°µాà°Ÿిà°²ో à°¦ేà°¨ిà°¨ి à°“à°ªెà°¨్ à°šేà°¸ిà°¨ా...
#Please enter below details
1 . Person Name :
2. Person Place :
3. Bill/voucher No. :
4. Bill/voucher date :
5. Bill amount :
6. GST No(option al)
7. Payment mode
Cash / Cheque
#à°¯ాà°ª్ à°²ో HMà°²ు à°šేà°¸ిà°¨ à°–à°°్à°šుà°²ు app à°²ో upload à°šేà°¯ాà°²ంà°Ÿే...
#Bill à°•ు à°¸ంà°¬ంà°§ింà°šిà°¨ à°µిà°·à°¯ాలన్à°¨ీ à°¸ిà°¦్à°§ంà°—ా à°‰ంà°šుà°•ోà°µాà°²ి.
#à°¬ిà°²్à°²ు లకు à°¤ేà°¦ీà°² à°µాà°°ిà°—ా à°Žà°ª్పటిà°•à°ª్à°ªుà°¡ు à°°ిà°•ాà°°్à°¡ుà°²ో నమోà°¦ు à°šేà°¸్à°¤ూ à°…ంà°¦ుà°²ోà°¨ి వరుà°¸ à°¨ెంబరుà°¨ే Voucher No. à°—ా à°µేà°¸ుà°•ోà°µాà°²ి.
#à°•ొà°Ÿ్à°Ÿిà°µేతలు, à°¦ిà°¦్à°¦ిà°µేతలు à°‰ంà°¡à°°ాà°¦ు.
All the Head Masters of Nadu-Nedu are requested to install new version of STMS (1.9.0) in your android mobile snd upload the bills / vouchers of materials and labour charges. plz note write PAID & CANCELLED, sign on each bill/Voucher then upload the image.
👉Go through the User manual of this App
NADU -NEDU User manual of this App
NADU -NEDU User manual of this App